Gaming Addiction
8 Week Program

Gaming addiction can be harmful for you or your child. Spending too much time playing video games can cause both mental and physical issues.

Screen Addiction
8 Week Program

With so many advancements being made in technology over the years, screen addiction has become an increasing problem. Learn more about it today.

Technology Addiction
8 Week Program

Are you concerned about technology addiction happening to you? Learn more about the signs to look for and the treatment options available.

Social Media Addiction
8 Week Program

Social media addiction impacts many people’s lives in a negative way without them realizing it. Learn what the signs of social media addiction are.

Computer Addiction
8 Week Program

Computer addiction is a real issue with today’s society. Many people don’t even realize they have an addiction to the computer.

Depression & Technology Addiction
8 Week Program

Does depression cause people to suffer from technology addiction and use it for social interactions, or does excessive use cause people to become depressed.

Substance Abuse and Technology Addiction
8 Week Program

This article looks at the correlation between substance abuse and technology addiction. It’s becoming clear from various studies that there is a link.

Bipolar & Technology Addiction
8 Week Program

Technology addiction and bipolar disorder often occur at the same time. Luckily there are treatment options out there that target both of these conditions.

Panic Disorder & Technology Addiction
8 Week Program

Do you feel like you may be suffering from panic disorder & technology addiction. Keep reading to find out more about it and how to treat it.