Many people don’t realize that technology addiction is as serious of an issue as it is. A technology addiction causes someone to have an uncontrollable urge to use technology. This could be in many different forms, including playing video games, checking social media accounts, or simply texting. It can be hard for someone to realize that they have a technology addiction, though. This is because technology usage has become second nature in today’s society. Many people need to get professional help to recover from an addiction to technology because it is so readily available. The following guide walks you through a few tips you can use to assess if someone you love does have an addiction to technology and may need professional help to recover from it.

Track Someone’s Technology 

The easiest way to be able to determine if someone has an addiction to technology is to monitor how often they use it. Take the time to notice when someone is using technology in any form. Keep a journal that indicates when they started using the technology and how long they used it for. This can be useful if you need to prove to someone that they have an issue with their usage. Simply telling someone that you feel they are using technology too much may not be enough. Being able to provide them with specific information regarding how often they are using it, maybe the best way to help them realize that an issue has developed.

Notice if Technology Distracts 

There are certain aspects of life that are necessary to function well. Notice if technology causes the person to miss work or school regularly. Pay attention if they aren’t able to keep up with their housework, such as washing their clothes or cleaning their house. Notice if the person starts sleeping in more and more because they have stayed up so late on their devices. Pushing important things to the side can be a sign that addiction has taken over their life.

Once someone is so wrapped up in technology, they often don’t realize that they forget to do things. If you notice that your loved one starts to skip bathing, brushing their teeth, or forgo going to the restroom to continue with their technology endeavors, they may have an addiction. There are some people who become so obsessed with video games that they start urinating in bottles so that they don’t have to walk away from the game. This is a huge sign that addiction is taking over and they need to get a grip on life quickly.

Technology Addiction Leads to Obsession

Someone who is addicted to social media will often obsess over having Wi-Fi access. This is because they are so worried about missing out on something. They crave people online to tell them how great they are and do not want to miss out on the latest things going on with the people they follow online. They feel that missing out on the latest post will make them unpopular or get them out of the loop. Nearly 40% of the population in the United States cannot go without their smartphones for a long period of time. If you notice that someone walks around constantly trying to find Wi-Fi access or that they instantly ask for passwords when you travel to different places, a technology addiction may be to blame.

Notice a Necessity to Keep Devices Charged

Being able to have access to their devices at all times of the day is crucial for people with technology addiction. If their device dies, they lose access to the technology they crave. Notice if the person has a desperate need to charge their device or mentions its battery life regularly. If someone is so obsessed with keeping a device powered, they may feel as though they can’t go without it. Likewise, if the device is damaged and won’t work, they will feel an uncontrollable urge to replace it. There are some people who will go without paying bills or sell other things to buy a device they are addicted to the same way someone with drug addiction would if they needed more drugs.

Aggression When Technology Becomes Limited

Pay attention to the way that the person reacts when technology becomes limited. This can be due to their being limited access to Wifi or the device simply not working or having a dead battery. Someone who has an addiction to technology may become very aggressive. They may try to intimidate you or someone else in an effort to get the access they crave. Someone with a technology addiction may become depressed when they can’t gain access to technology. Notice mood swings that develop and determine if they are due to access to technology.

Ask the Person to Limit Their Technology Usage

If you plan to spend time with the person in the near future, ask them to limit their usage. If the person tells you that they will without any issues, pay attention to see if they do. There are many people with technology addiction who think they can limit their usage when really, they can’t. They don’t realize how often they check their phones or scroll through social media. If you notice that they aren’t able to limit their usage, there may be an addiction at hand.

If your loved one has a technology addiction, you need to address the situation. Be understanding and kind when speaking to them. There is a good chance that they don’t realize they have an addiction. Try to find a treatment facility that offers technology addiction treatment options. They may be able to go to outpatient treatment services to get the help that they need. There are also group meetings that can help them have accountability and realize they aren’t alone. It can be very difficult for someone to admit that they have an addiction. Knowing that they have the support of friends and family can make it easier for them to get the help that they need.

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